Hey there ! My name is Hadi and I love engineering, building impactful projects, and solving problems I see around me.
I love computer science, physics, math, and I would do everything to get my hands on a meaningful project that gets near one of these subjects.
I also love companies with noble goals, with impactful missions and great leaders. After all, companies are created to solve problems, should it be a demand problem, or a more complex one like colonizing space or saving the earth.
I firmly believe that engineers are magicians, for they can use their capabilities to literally change millions of people’s lives, and get us as a specie, closer to the truth.
Via this blog, I will try and give you a glimpse of the many learnings and projects I take part in throughout my lifelong journey of becoming a better engineer. I may discuss a lot of different subjects at times, depending on my curiosity and my appetite for subjects at the moment of writing.
I am open to meaningful discussions, questions or any request you may have.
Do not hesitate to shoot me an email at hadi.el-hajj@polytechnque.edu for any enquiry, I guarantee I will respond !
Also, do not hesitate to check my github, for I frequently update it with my most recent projects !
Hope you like what I do ! Take care !