Hyper reality presents multiple scenarios where the user is subjected to potential dangers, from which we can cite both being hacked and being bombarbed by waves and waves of commercials. This said, it is too short to englobe all the possibility of dangers, which include:
being trolled on the internet. Imagine posting a social media post and receiving such criticism that you become an internet meme. How would you shut the trolls that follow you digitally through life, if all you do depends on the VR platform that you use ? This scenario is abusive in the sense it exposes you as well as your personal life to continuous digital presence, which can lead to anxiety, stress and of course to users invading your personal digital space (and there can be lots of them, in the case of internet trolls). Then the only way to shut that down is to restart the system, and choose a new identity, which results in the loss of all you have done and all your points. One way to avoid this trajectory can be what is done in the decentralized social network, Twetch, which makes you pay in crypto-currencies (BSV) to respond to a person’s twetch (which is a special case of a tweet posted on Twitter), thus limiting your capabilities as a Troll. You would have to pay from your own money to harass someone.
Below is an example of a twetch profile with a wallet balance and total money earned: